
Welcome to New Covenant Revealed Ministries. Our mission is to reveal the New Covenant established by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

God is a covenant-making God. He relates to man through covenant. The two main covenants that God has made with mankind are the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. The New Covenant is vastly different than the Old, yet very few understand the difference and even fewer are teaching what the differences are. Speaking of these two vastly different covenants, Jesus warned that pouring new wine into old wineskins would eventually fail. If we unknowingly mix the two covenants, we are hindered from accessing what God wants us to have. The Old is extremely valuable in many ways, but can never bring about true righteousness.

The Old Covenant was based on man’s efforts to obey God’s precepts, laws, commands, etc. Whoever did so was blessed. Whoever failed to do so was cursed. After thousands of years of trial and error, no one was able to keep the Law fully. All are cursed, and the Life that the Father sent from above is the ONLY answer to the dilemma!

The New Covenant works by identifying with, believing, and confessing what was accomplished through the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. He took our life, the life of the first Adam, to the Cross and put it to death, so that all who believe in Him can be partakers of His Life. We were all crucified with Him, so that we can truly live in Him and through Him. We must decrease and He must increase!

Pray with us that God will open eyes and ears so that people can understand what actually took place at the Cross and that the true Gospel of the Kingdom will be declared in the entire world as a witness that the Word did not return void but did accomplish that which He was sent to do.

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