
Greetings from NCR Ministries,

The sole purpose of this ministry is to reveal the depths of the New Covenant that God has established with mankind through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  .

After pastoring for over 12 years, I began to hear the Lord speak to my heart to preach nothing but the true message of the Cross. This ministry was born out of that call.

We believe that in these last days God is going to open the eyes and ears of hungry seekers like never before.  Creation is groaning in eager expectation for the work of the Cross to be fully understood, laid hold of, and manifested in the sons of God. We believe that the mystery of the Cross will be fully revealed in the last days and the true Gospel of the Kingdom will be declared with great power all over the world.

This ministry is strictly non-denominational. We are a registered non-profit religious corporation in Florida, and we follow non-profit corporate law.  All donations given to our ministry are tax deductible.  We believe in strict accountability and integrity.

What We Believe:

Christ Crucified.

Our mission from God is to preach the Good News of the finished Work of the Cross. We don’t promote any particular group’s unique doctrines or agendas. We are not against organizations or denominations, but we are against division in the Body of Christ and our desire is to never promote it. We attempt, as the apostle Paul said, to humbly become all things to all people that we might reveal to them the Gospel. We have preached in many different denominations without any denominational strife. We are careful to respect other’s beliefs while finding inroads to share the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A Brief Summary of Our Beliefs:

1. There is One True God and Father, who is above all. We are not polytheist. (Eph 4:6). We acknowledge and believe in trinitarian doctrine, though we believe there is only ONE God.

2. We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the image of the invisible God and the fullness of God is in Him. He and His Father are One in essence. (Colossians 1:15, 2:9; Hebrews 1:3, John 1:1, 10:30).

a. We also acknowledge that “the Father is greater than he.” Jesus said that the Father is greater than he, and that in the end all things will be subservient to the Father, including himself (John 14:28: 1 Cor 15:28).

3. The Bible is the Inspired Word of God in its entirety. It is a letter for believers, and we need God’s Holy Spirit to receive and comprehend it. We also believe that God still speaks to people today, and we live by every Word that proceeds out of His mouth. We believe that whatever God says today will never contradict what He has already said, and His written Word is a sure foundation to judge all supposed words from God.

4. All people are born in sin, separated from God, and in need of the Life of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to condemn sin in the flesh and to be crucified for every human being. Whoever believes in Him can receive the eternal Life of Christ as their own.

5. We believe in the deity, person, ministry, and gifts of the Holy Spirit as the Bible teaches. We believe the Holy Spirit has come to fill, comfort, counsel, teach, and give spiritual gifts to all believers. We don’t judge believers based on their spiritual “gifts,” or the seeming lack thereof.  We believe that the main activity of the Holy Spirit is to lead believers into revelatory truth concerning what was accomplished through the work of the Cross.

6. We believe in the Church. The born again Church is the literal body of Jesus Christ. It is meant to function together in regular fellowship, prayer, ministry, love, and unity. We all need one another to walk in the fullness of Christ. Jesus is building His Church in the Earth. Every believer is meant to be an important part of it. We believe the true Church will come to full maturity in the last days and Christ will be manifested through it.  (Matthew 16:18; Hebrews 10:23-25)

7. We practice the Ordinances of the Church which include baptizing believers in water and partaking of Holy Communion.

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